Office of the Press Secretary
The President today announced his intention to appoint Ken Grotewiel of Kansas, as Presiding Officer and Commissioner, and Max Holloway of Oklahoma, as Alternate Commissioner of the Kansas-Oklahoma Arkansas River Compact Commission.
As a former state representative, Grotewiel served on many committees in the Kansas State Legislature including the Energy and Natural Resources Committee from 1983-1992, where he was Chair from 1991- 1992 and the Taxation Committee from 1987-1994. During those same years Grotewiel served as a grant administrator for the Federal Emergency Management Agency for the state of Kansas for disaster relief services. Grotewiel is currently employed by Mennonite Housing, a non-profit agency for people who cannot obtain suitable housing. Grotewiel has also been active in National Water Resources Committee of the Sierra Club; the Kansas Natural Resource Council and a member of the Recovery Services Center.
Holloway is chairman of Holloway, Updike and Bellen Inc. Consulting Engineers. He has extensive experience designing large scale water and wastewater treatment systems. Holloway's work experience also includes service as the president of Cimarron Contractors, Inc. and as general partner and majority owner of Cimco Properties. Holloway has also served on the Board of Directors of the Greater Muskogee Development Corp., and on the Board of Directors of A More Beautiful Muskogee Inc.
In their capacity as a members of the Commission, Grotewiel and Holloway will work with the representatives of the states of Oklahoma and Kansas to divide and apportion equitably the waters of the Arkansas River and to help promote the reduction of pollution in these waters.