Office of the Press Secretary
For Immediate Release December 23, 1994
The President today announced his intention to appoint Representative Michael Synar of Oklahoma as Chair, and Jay Alix of Michigan and Babette A. Ceccotti of New Jersey to be members of the National Bankruptcy Review Commission.
"I am pleased to name Mike Synar to the Bankruptcy Review Commission. Over the years, we have worked closely together and I have a great deal of respect and admiration for him and the work he has accomplished during his 15 years in the Congress. As he has shown us in the past, he will serve the American people with efficiency and integrity," said the President.
Mr. Synar is an outgoing member of congress who has served Oklahoma's Second District in the U.S. House of Representatives since 1979. During his tenure, he has served on several committees including Judiciary, Energy and Commerce, and Government Operations. He has also served as Chair of the Democratic Study Group. In addition to his public service work, Mr. Synar is by profession, a rancher, real estate broker and attorney.
Mr. Alix is a Certified Public Accountant and President of Jay Alix and Associates, a consulting firm which specializes in bankruptcy reorganizations, corporate turnarounds and debt restructuring. He has served, by appointment of the Bankruptcy Court, as operating trustee, examiner, and advisor or responsible party for the debtor-in-possession in hundreds of Chapter 11 bankruptcy cases. In addition, Mr. Alix has written widely on the subject of bankruptcy and is a member of the board of directors of the American Bankruptcy Institute.
Ms. Ceccotti is a Partner in Cohen, Weiss and Simon, a law firm specializing in the representation of labor organizations and pension and health trust funds. She is a member of the Official Unsecured Creditors Committee in significant Chapter 11 proceedings and is a speaker and author on the inter-relationship of bankruptcy and labor laws.
The Commission is responsible for investigating and studying issues and problems related to title 11 of the United States Code (the Bankruptcy Code). In so doing, the Commission shall solicit views from all parties concerned with the operation of the bankruptcy system and evaluate the advisability of proposals and current arrangements.