Office of the Press Secretary
For Immediate Release December 23, 1994
Statement by the Office of the Press Secretary
The President has made available $32.2 million in emergency funding for the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) and Department of Commerce. These funds will be used to provide assistance to Florida and Georgia to assist communities in recovering from the flooding and damage caused by Tropical Storm Alberto.
"I am designating federal emergency assistance today to help those communities in Florida and Georgia damaged by the recent severe weather. The people of both Franklin County, Florida and Macon, Georgia have worked hard to help those directly affected by the storm. As you continue with the clean-up, I hope this federal assistance will aid in the economic recovery of both communities," said the President.
Under the Departments of Veterans Affairs and Housing and Urban Development, and Independent Agencies Appropriations Act of 1995, $180 million dollars is provided for HUD's Community Development Block Grant program. The availability of these funds was made contingent upon the President submitting a budget request to the Congress and designating the entire amount requested as an emergency requirement. Prior to today, none of the $180 million has yet been designated as an emergency requirement and made available. At this time, $22.2 million is being made available to assist Florida in the acquisition and relocation of damaged homes and public facilities and to aid in the economic recovery of the oyster industry of Franklin County. Ecological damage resulting from the flood waters dramatically reduced the local oyster population.
Under the Departments of Commerce, Justice, and State, the Judiciary, and Related Agencies Appropriations Act 1995, $55 million is provided for the Economic Development Administration within the Department of Commerce. The availability of these funds was made contingent upon the President submitting a budget request to the Congress and designating the entire amount requested as an emergency requirement. Prior to today, none of the $55 million has yet been designated as an emergency requirement and made available. At this time, $10 million is needed to increase capacity at a Macon, Georgia, water treatment plant at its new site -- off the floodplain, on higher ground.
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