Office of the Press Secretary
Today, a U.S. District Court upheld the Northwest Forest Plan. This decision allows us to continue to move forward in pursuit of my commitment to the people and the environment of the Pacific Northwest and Northern California.
For years, gridlock over the management of public forest lands created an uncertain future for the people of the region. It was a problem my administration inherited, and one that we made a priority to solve.
Just seven months after the announcement of the Forest Plan, much has already been done. Unemployment for the entire region is at its lowest level in years, millions of dollars have been distributed to more than one hundred communities for economic revitalization, and work is underway to analyze and restore damaged watersheds and protect millions of acres of old-growth habitat. The plan approved today will provide for a sustainable level of timber harvesting, while protecting the environment.
In the true spirit of reinventing government, the Plan is a model of inter-agency cooperation with seven different federal agencies working together, sharing information, and making joint decisions. It is the common sense way to do business and will prevent us from falling back to the days of gridlock. We are moving forward at last, and my Administration and I remain committed to the people, to the economy, and to the environment of the Pacific Northwest and Northern California.