Office of The Vice President
I am deeply saddended by the death Saturday of Chief Warrant Officer David Hilemon of Clarksville, Tennessee. Instead of a routine training flight along the Demilitarized Zone of North Korea, his mission turned into a tragic accident that ended his life.
David will be greatly missed. He was an honest, loyal and dedicated person who served his country with pride as a member for nearly seven years of the U.S. Army. At the time of his death, David was part of the 501st Aviation Regiment of Camp Page, Republic of Korea. Previously, he was assigned to Fort Cambpell Army Base in Kentucky and also served in the Persian Gulf War. David, who loved to fly, was a distinguished pilot who earned the Air Medal for combat service.
Tipper and I extend our deepest condolences to David's wife, Berit, to those who worked with him, and to all of his family and loved ones. Our thoughts and prayers will be with them throughout the holiday season.