Office of the Press Secretary
For Immediate Release December 15, 1994
Warm greetings to Americans everywhere during this joyous Christmas season.
The timeless story of a baby born in a manger amid humble surroundings is the fulfillment of a promise, an affirmation of faith. Jesus' birth demonstrates the infinite love of God. We celebrate the gift of His life, and Christmas softens our hearts and rekindles in us a sincere desire to reach out to others in peace and friendship.
As we rejoice in the miracle of Christmas, we reflect on the Holy Family and draw strength from their example of faith. We are reminded that the bonds between parent and child, between husband and wife, and between neighbor and stranger are opportunities to answer Jesus' call to love one another, and we are reminded that one day we will be asked whether we lived out His love in ways that treated all of our brothers and sisters -- even the least of them -- as we would have treated Him.
In holy Bethlehem and throughout the Middle East, ancient enemies are putting aside their differences and coming together in goodwill. Recognizing that there is still much work to be done, let us build on this success and nurture love and caring in our world, in our neighborhoods, and in our homes. With this commitment, we can all share in the fulfillment of the Christmas promise.
Hillary joins me in wishing you joy and peace this Christmas.
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