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                          THE WHITE HOUSE

For Immediate Release November 15, 1994


        Gore Honored as 'Good Guy' For His Leadership, Efforts 
                     on Behalf of Women, Families
        WASHINGTON -- In honor of his leadership on issues of 

concern to women and families, and his extensive campaign efforts on behalf of women candidates nationwide, Vice President Al Gore Tuesday (11/15) will receive the National Women's Political Caucus Good Guys Award.

"We cannot take for granted all that women do. They need and deserve our support," the Vice President said. "That's why President Clinton and I have made the expansion of opportunities for women and families a priority."

Vice President Gore will be one of eight recipients of the 10th annual Good Guys Award, to be presented Tuesday, November 15, at 6:30 PM at the Mayflower Hotel in Washington, D.C. The event is open press.

Good Guys Award, officially the Martin Abzug Memorial Award, was established in 1986 by Bella Abzug in memory of her husband, Martin. It honors men who have been supportive of women and who have demonstrated a commitment to women's equality in their fields of expertise. The awards are presented each year by the NWPC, a national, bi-partisan, grass-roots membership organization dedicated to identifying, recruiting, training and supporting women for elected and appointed office at all levels of government.

Vice President Gore has long been recognized as a leader on issues affecting women and families. He supports a woman's right to choose, and during his tenure as a U.S. Senator, he cosponsored the Violence Against Women Act and the Family and Medical Leave Act, which the previous Administration vetoed, but which the Clinton-Gore Administration strongly supported and signed into law. The Clinton-Gore Administration also has expanded small business lending, making sure that women can bid on government contracts, and invested in programs that help bring families from poverty into employment. In addition, Vice President Gore traveled the country to campaign on behalf of dozens of women candidates over the past year.

Throughout his political life, Vice President Gore has emphasized partnerships based on equality, responsibility, and opportunity. For example, Vice President Gore for the past three years has moderated annual Family Reunion Conferences, a series of policy conferences aimed at supporting and strengthening families. This year's conference focused on the role of men in children's lives and reconnecting young people with their fathers.

"The conflict between work and home cannot be reserved only for women. To say women can now enter the work force -
