Office of the Press Secretary
The President signed the following legislation on Saturday, October 22, 1994:
H.R. 4278, Social Security Domestic Employment Reform Act of 1994.
H.R. 4950, Jobs Through Trade Expansion Act of 1994.
S. 455, Payments in Lieu of Taxes Act.
S. 1225, United States-Mexico Border Health Commission Act.
S. 2060, Small Business Administration Reauthorization and Amendments Act of 1994.
S. 2466, Energy Policy and Conservation Act Amendments of 1994.
S. 2500, Sheep Promotion, Research, and Information Act of 1994.
H.R. 4361, Federal Employees Family Friendly Leave Act.
H.R. 5053, Water Bank Extension Act of 1994.
S. 340, Animal Medicinal Drug Use Clarification Act of 1994.
S. 2395, Theodore Levin Courthouse.
S.J.Res. 90, Recognizing Achievements of Radio Amateurs.
H.J.Res. 425, Convening the 104th Congress.
H.R. 2135, Native American Veterans' Memorial Establishment Act of 1994.
H.R. 2266, Private Relief - Orlando Wayne Naraysingh.
H.R. 2294, Graham B. Purcell, Jr., Post Office Building.
H.R. 2411, Private Relief - Leteane Clement Monatsi.
H.R. 4192, Arthuro R. Watlington, Sr., U.S. Post Office.
H.R. 4535, Unlisted Trading Privileges Act of 1994.
H.R. 4896, Kansas and Missouri Metropolitan Culture District Compact Consent.
H.R. 4924, Rhinoceros and Tiger Conservation Act of 1994.
H.R. 5116, Bankruptcy Reform Act of 1994.
S. 528, Lincoln County, Montanta, Lands Transfer Act of 1994. S. 720, Indian Lands Open Dump Cleanup Act of 1994.
S. 1312, Pension Annuitants Protection Act of 1994.
S. 1457, Aleutian/Pribilof Islands Restitution Act.
S. 2073, Warren B. Rudman United States Courthouse.
The President signed the following legislation on Tuesday, October 25, 1994:
S. 784, Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act of 1994.
H.R. 4922, Communications Assistance for Law Enforcement Act.
S. 2407, Judicial Amendments Act of 1994.
S. 2534, Base Closure Community Redevelopment and Homeless Assistance Act of 1994.
S.J.Res. 229, U.S. Policy Toward Haiti.
H.R. 512, FEGLI Living Benefits Act.
H.R. 783, Immigration and Nationality Technical Corrections Act of 1994.
H.R. 808, Private Relief - James B. Stanley.
H.R. 2056, Samuel E. Perry Postal Building - Fredericksburg, Virginia.
H.R. 2440, Independent Safety Board Act Amendments of 1994.
H.R. 4833, American Indian Trust Fund Management Reform At of 1994.
H.R. 4842, Indian Self-Determination Act Amendments of 1994.
S. 1927, Veterans' Compensation Cost-of-Living Adjustment Act of 1994.
S. 2372, Civil Rights Commission Amendments Act of 1994.
S.J.Res. 227, Thomas Paine Memorial.
H.R. 5034, State Department Technical Corrections.
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