Office of the Press Secretary
PRESIDENT CLINTON NAMES 14 TO THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE CORPORATION FOR NATIONAL SERVICE President Clinton announced today his intention to nominate the
following individuals to the Board of Directors of the Corporation for National Service:
Andrea Brown is a college sophomore at the University of Toledo and a Michigan native, where she was active in many community service programs.
Thomas Ehrlich was the last Chair of the Board of the Commission on National and Community Service, and recently has returned to teaching after serving as President of Indiana University. His distinguished career in public service has included assignments as the Director of the International Development Cooperation Agency, the first President of the Legal Services Corporation and Chairman of the Executive Committee of Campus Compact.
Chris Evert's achievements in tennis are perhaps matched only by her charitable work. In addition to her "Chris Evert Charities" to benefit drug treatment and family centers in South Florida, Evert serves on Boards of Directors of many local and national civic organizations.
Christopher Gallagher is a distinguished New England attorney and banker, with a wide variety of community involvement in his home state of New Hampshire.
Teresa Heinz, widow of the late U.S. Senator John Heinz, is Vice Chair of the Environmental Defense Fund, and member of the advisory boards for Yale University's Institute for Biospheric Studies, the Environmental Steering Committee for Harvard University's John F. Kennedy School of Government, the Carnegie Corporation, and the Brookings Institution.
Christine Hernandez is a member of the Texas House of Representatives and has been active in many community service projects, including the Children Defense Fund's Teenage Pregnancy Prevention Task Force, and San Antonio's Commission on Literacy.
Reatha Clark King is executive director of the General Mills Foundation in Minneapolis. She serves on numerous corporate, college, and community boards and was a Board member of the Commission.
Carol Kinsley is currently Executive Director and President of the Community Service Learning Center in Springfield, Massachusetts, and is a recognized leader in service learning.
Leslie Lenkowsky is President of Hudson Institute in Indianapolis and served on the Board of the Commission. He has spoken and written on a broad range of public policy topics.
Marlee Matlin received the Academy Award for Best Actress for her film debut in "Children of a Lesser God." Matlin serves on the boards of many organizations for children and the disabled and has received honorary doctorates for her work with the deaf.
Gerald McEntee has been the International President of the 1.3 million-member American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees (AFSCME), AFL-CIO, since 1981. He is a member of the board of the Child Care Action Campaign, and is a member of the National Commission on Children.
Arthur Naparstek is the Coyle Professor of Social Work at Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland. Naparstek was director of the Cleveland Foundation's Commission on Poverty, and served on the President's Commission on Neighborhoods, and the President's Commission on Mental Health Task Panel.
John Rother has served as the Director of the Legislation and Public Policy Division of the American Association of Retired Persons in Washington for the last decade. Previously, Rother served as Staff Director and Chief Counsel for the U.S. Senate Special Committee on Aging and as Special Counsel to the Senate Labor and Human Resources Committee.
Walter Shorenstein is owner and chairman of the Shorenstein Company, headquartered in San Francisco, one of the nation's largest and oldest privately-owned real estate firms. Shorenstein is one of the leading civic philanthropists in the Bay Area. In 1993, Shorenstein served as Chairman of the San Francisco Summer of Service Host Committee.
The Corporation for National Service was created in 1993 to oversee the federal government's domestic service initiatives, including the new AmeriCorps, and the programs formerly run by ACTION and the Commission on National and Community Service -- entities which have been merged into the Corporation. Under AmeriCorps, which will be launched formally on September 12, Americans 16 years old and older will help meet communities' educational, environmental, public service and human needs, and in return receive an education award to be used toward the cost of higher education or job training. AmeriCorps will have approximately 20,000 members in its first year; the Corporation's other programs will involve nearly a million Americans a year, from young school children to our most senior citizens, in service to their communities and our country.
The Corporation's Board must be confirmed by the Senate. The Board Chairperson, Jim Joseph, has been confirmed previously. Eli Segal, Assistant to the President, has also been confirmed previously as Chief Executive Officer of the Corporation.