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                  Office of the Press Secretary
                   (Colleville-sur-Mer, France)
For Immediate Release                           June 6, 1994     
                         AT POINTE DU HOC

Normandy, France

MR. HATHAWAY: Good morning, Mr. President. Distinguished guests, Rangers, ladies and gentlemen, we are gathered here today to honor and remember those brave men and women of all the nations allied in a great crusade. Those men and women who fought here, bled and died here, in order that the yolk of tyranny might be lifted from those nations enslaved by a tyrant, and that he should be prevented from further enslavement of those people still free.

Many of you were not born yet, but you must never forget the sacrifices that were made here in order that you would be able to enjoy the freedom that we then had and are still experiencing. The greatest lesson, I believe, that our honored departed and we who fought here can bequeath to you is that nations can and should unite to form the strongest bonds, devoted to all mankind that they may enjoy freedom from oppression, freedom from fear, freedom from want, freedom of expression, and freedom of religion. You must guarantee this to all people without regard to the differences of language, of race, of creed, color, or religion.

We leave this to you, for only by this can you and your descendants enjoy a free society of all mankind devoid of such hostile and destructive forces that took place here.

Thank you. Ladies and gentlemen, I am privileged and have the distinct honor to introduce to you the Commander in Chief of the United States military forces, the President of the United States William Jefferson Clinton. (Applause.)