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Office of the Press Secretary

For Immediate Release May 26, 1994


Chief of Staff Thomas F. (Mack) McLarty, III, has reviewed the incident involving the use of a military helicopter by White House Staff people on Tuesday, May 26th. After discussions with the White House officials involved, Mr. McLarty determined their actions were inconsistent with White House policies established by the President last year.

In connection with this matter, Mr. McLarty made public the following actions:

David Watkins, the senior White House official on the trip to Camp David and the Holly Hills Golf Club in Maryland, has submitted his resignation to President Clinton, and his resignation has been accepted.

Alfonso Maldon, Jr., the head of the White House Military Office, also on the trip, has been reprimanded and will be reassigned. No other actions will be taken against personnel involved.

Mr. McLarty further announced that taxpayers will be reimbursed as appropriate. The Chief of Staff regrets having to take these actions, but believes the staff's errors in judgment made them necessary.

Philip Lader, the White House Deputy Chief of Staff, will assume interim control of the White House Office of Management and Administration pending a decision on Mr. Watkins' replacement.
