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I. Introduction
The American people deserve a government that works better and costs
less. The departments and agencies of the federal government hold
vital keys to improving performance and to restoring the faith of the
American people in their government. Many changes will need to take
place for this broad goal to be realized. The purpose of performance
agreements with senior officials is to establish clarity and
consensus about the priorities for departmental management. They are
intended to improve the management of the Executive Branch and are
not intended to and do not create any legally enforceable rights.
From these agreements should flow the program and management
priorities of the departments. These agreements represent a
beginning, a basis for continuous improvement as we reinvent our
government to meet the needs and expectations of the American people.
II. The Department of The Interior
This Agreement reflects the major objectives developed by the
Secretary for the Department of the Interior to achieve over the next
several years as well as specific performance measures to be
accomplished in Fiscal Year 1994. It also describes areas of
specific support the Administration intends to provide for the
accomplishment of these objectives.
The Secretary undertakes to accomplish the following at the
Department of the Interior:
Establish The National Biological Survey
The Secretary is committed to establishing a new organization within
the Department that will serve as an important nation-wide repository
for biological data for government customers and the public, and that
will provide an integrated natural resources scientific database,
including a national status and trends survey. This information will
be used to develop sound natural resource management and development
Reform Land Management at the Department of The Interior
The Secretary is committed to reforming rangeland programs
administered by the Bureau of Land Management in order to restore and
improve the ecological condition of the rangeland; to manage for
biodiversity, forage production and sustainable ecosystems; and to
establish a fair and equitable grazing fees for private use of public
The Secretary is committed to implementing a comprehensive reform of
mining activities on public lands in order to eliminate land patent
giveaways, charge a fair royalty for public minerals and provide
strong environmental protection for public lands.
Reinvent the Bureau of Reclamation
The Secretary is committed to transforming the Bureau of Reclamation
from a civil works agency into the leading water management agency
that is cost-effective in serving its customers.
Strengthen the Commitment of the National Park System
to Employees and the American Public
The Secretary is committed to improving the morale and working
conditions of employees in the National Park Service. The Secretary
is committed to resolving the professional discrepancies between full
time and seasonal temporary employees and enhancing professional
development opportunities for Park Rangers and other Park Service
The Secretary is also committed to the entrepreneurial management of
the national parks through improved fee applications and collections
and contract negotiations. Creative use of private funds to mitigate
the problems of employee housing is an important goal of the
Act as a Partner with Indian Tribes
The Secretary will demonstrate this Administration's commitment to
fulfillment of the federal Indian Trust responsibility and the
creation of a mutually respectful, beneficial government to
government partnership by achieving progress necessary to accomplish
national Indian self-determination objectives and address the
concerns of Congress.
Make the Endangered Species Act Work
The Secretary is committed to reforming the administration and
implementation of the Endangered Species Act to minimize conflicts,
maximize flexibility for conflict resolution, and conserve our
Nation's ecosystems for future generations.
Champion Collaboration and Performance
at the Department of The Interior
The Secretary will champion the Administration's commitment to a
government that works better by demonstrating creative patterns of
collaboration, organization and communication with employees, other
agencies and citizens.
With the leadership of the Secretary, the Department of the Interior
will develop one of the best appraisal processes among federal
agencies for its Senior Executive Service managers, measuring
progress on three common departmental elements: increased crossorganizational
cooperation and action, increased employee diversity,
and improved matching of decision-making level to decision needed.
III. Measurement of Performance
To measure progress against the above objectives, the Secretary is
committed to accomplishing specific measurable results. Specific
measures for Fiscal Year 1994 are described in Annex A.
To maintain focus and a sense of urgency and to have a real impact on
performance, there will be periodic reviews of progress, discussion
of difficulties encountered and agreement on appropriate actions.
These reviews will be held between the President and/or his designees
and Department officials and, with greater frequency, within the
Department. Any specific reporting requirements will be developed
jointly with the Department.
IV. Administration Support
In order to accomplish the above described objectives and measures
during Fiscal Year 1994, it is the Administration's objective to
provide the Department of the Interior with the following specific
--Support for passage of authorizing legislation to establish the
National Biological Survey.
--The Office of Management and Budget will provide generic
clearances for customer surveys within two weeks of submission
of requests by the Department of the Interior.
--Lead responsibility for mining law reform to the Department of
the Interior to work with all affected federal agencies. In
addition, the White House will establish a mechanism to provide
effective liaison with the Department during mine legislation
conference proceedings.
V. Miscellaneous
This Agreement is intended only to improve the internal management of
the Executive Branch and is not intended to and does not create any
right, benefit, trust or responsibility, substantive or procedural,
enforceable at law or equity by a party against the United States,
its agencies, its officers, or any person.
VI. Term of Agreement
This Agreement will remain in effect until modified. It is expected
that it will be updated at least annually to reflect significant
changes in budget, policy, personnel or other factors that may affect
the accomplishment of objectives.
This agreement represents our joint commitment to a Department of the
Interior that works better and costs less and fulfills our sacred
trust to the American people.
Bruce Babbitt William J. Clinton
Secretary of The Interior President of the United States
Attachment: Annex A: Performance Measures, Fiscal Year 1994
Annex: Performance Measures, Fiscal Year 1994
During Fiscal Year 1994 (FY 1994), performance will be measured by
the successful accomplishment of the following specific measures:
The Secretary commits that the National Biological Survey will
be a functioning organization as soon as FY 1994 appropriations
become available. The National Biological Survey will maximize
its programmatic work and minimize its administrative
structures as it draws upon existing resources across the
The Secretary will delegate to the Director of the National
Biological Survey responsibility for expanding the current
Department research program to include projects related to
populations and ecosystems. The Secretary will publish clear
research priorities for the National Biological Survey by the
end of FY 1994. Those priorities will reflect the
recommendations of users, communicated through surveys and
other forms of customer response.
The National Biological Survey will develop an implementation
plan by the end of FY 1994 to integrate the Department's
biological database systems with other relevant federal and
state databases.
By the end of FY 1994, the National Biological Survey will
publish a generally accepted definition of natural resource
status and trends that will provide information needed by the
Nation to help avert endangered species crises and to aid in
wise management and development decisions.
The National Biological Survey will provide information on
populations and ecosystems to those government agencies, states
and other entities that rely on biological data to administer
programs and will work with such agency customers to insure
that their needs can be met.
Subject to outcomes of the Conference Committee, the Secretary
will take final action on the administrative proposal that was
first announced in August 1993 to improve management of
rangeland ecosystems and provide for more effective
administration of livestock grazing on public lands.
In early 1994, the Department will publish a draft Notice of
Proposed Rulemaking for public comment and a draft
Environmental Impact Statement regarding rangeland reform. The
Secretary is committed to implementing changes in the grazing
fee formula that will be used to set fees for grazing on
federal lands. The Secretary also will eliminate the existing
Grazing Advisory Boards and District Advisory Councils and
replace these with new Resource Advisory Councils that can
better represent the many constituencies concerned with public
lands and respond to the needs of rangeland managers within
specific geographical areas.
The Department will develop an experimental set of outcome
measures for successful changes in grazing management.
Development of these measures will involve the Resource
Advisory Board members. These will be included in the final
Administrative Proposal to be published by the end of FY 1994.
The Secretary will commit significant personal time and
appropriate staff resources during FY 1994 to insure passage of
mining law reform legislation, under the principles that have
been enunciated by the Administration.
A policy directive will be published in early FY 1994 that will
articulate a new mission and structure for a streamlined Bureau
of Reclamation. This mission will commit the Department to
shift its emphasis from large civil works to water and
environmental management.
In conjunction with Executive Order No. 12862, pertaining to
customer service, the Bureau of Reclamation will strengthen
relationships with the environmental community, water users and
other customers during its transformation. In FY 1994, the
Bureau will experiment with customer opinion surveys to measure
the level of service expected and received.
The Secretary will make significant progress in FY 1994 to
develop a mechanism to provide seasonal and temporary employees
greater benefits in line commensurate with the contribution
they have made to the National Park Service. In addition, the
Secretary will propose a plan to transfer eligible seasonal and
part-time employees to Full Time Equivalents.
The Secretary will delegate to the Director of the National
Park Service responsibility to finalize the Ranger Futures
concept and initiate comparable employee career development
activities for other Park Service employees by the end of FY
The Secretary will prepare legislation to eliminate
prohibitions that restrict the collection of entrance fees at
national parks, and to raise entrance fees in those parks where
fees are currently charged. In addition, concession reform
will commence with new negotiations of current contracts early
in FY 1994.
A portion of increased fee revenues will be used to complete
infrastructure improvement projects. The National Park Service
will develop by the end of FY 1994 ongoing visitor opinion
surveys to assess satisfaction with park services and
The problems of inadequate employee housing will be addressed
during FY 1994 with a major Department initiative to fund
needed housing improvements through private sector
In order to assist the tribes in better preparing themselves to
compete and prosper in the 21st century, the Department will
develop mechanisms to support the renewed federal/tribal
partnership envisioned as the Administration develops its
Indian policy position. To carry out this commitment, the
Secretary will finalize and implement regulations pursuant to
Pub.L. No. 93-638 as soon as possible in FY 1994 and will
continue expansion of the self-governance initiative.
The Secretary will emphasize continued consultations with the
tribes and Congress to develop an appropriate vehicle for the
management of Indian trust funds including alternatives other
than operations within the Bureau of Indian Affairs.
Through the reauthorization process for the Indian Education
Act in 1994, the Department will develop a sound legislative
plan for education of all Indian children in concert with the
tribes, Indian parents, Congress, the Department of Education
and other federal agencies which have funding and
responsibility for Indian Education, and other concerned
organizations and individuals.
The Secretary will initiate key administrative reforms to the
Endangered Species Act of 1973, as amended, by issuing four
policy directives before the end of FY 1994:
A directive that provides a definition of species for
listing purposes.
A directive that establishes standards for evaluating and
accepting proposals to list species as threatened and
A directive that streamlines the Habitat Conservation
Planning process.
A directive that stresses the need to conserve candidate
species and the ecosystem in which they occur before further
declines occur.
The Secretary will delegate to the Director of the Fish and
Wildlife Service, in consultation with the Assistant Secretary
for Indian Affairs, the responsibility for expanding and
clarifying the role of states and tribal governments in
implementing the Endangered Species Act of 1973, as amended.
The Secretary also commits to developing a departmental
strategy to reauthorize the Endangered Species Act. The
Department of the Interior will provide leadership in
developing the Clinton Administration strategy to reauthorize
the Endangered Species Act.
The Department will provide leadership with the White House to
promulgate an Executive Order by February 1, 1994, that will
direct Federal agencies to use their authorities to promote
conservation of listed species.
The Secretary of Interior commits to timely action on
individual species including a section 4(d) rule for the
Northern Spotted Owl by March 1, 1994 (subject to the
alternative timetables dictated by the completion of the FEMAT
"Option 9" FEIS); a section 4(d) rule for the California
Gnatcatcher by February 1, 1994; and an expedited processing of
the Travis County, Texas, incidental take permit upon receipt
of a completed permit application from Travis County.
Interior will measure its commitment to avoiding impasses
through an analysis of the outcomes of the Northwest Summit and
the California Gnatcatcher.
In carrying out the performance commitments of this agreement,
Interior managers and employees will work across traditional
organizational boundaries, whether internal or external. All
implementing plans will establish working groups with crossbureau
and cross-agency membership, common goals and common
measures of success.
The Secretary will delegate to the Deputy Assistant Secretary
for Human Resources the responsibility for initiating in FY
1994 measures of accomplishment; including exit interviews with
employees; analysis of appraisal data; and use of baseline
employee opinion research.
The Department of the Interior's Minerals Management Service
will conduct pilot opinion research with employees and external
customers in FY 1994. The research will identify areas for
future change.
In FY 1994, The Department of the Interior will sponsor a pilot
project pursuant to the Government Performance and Results Act
of 1993 to develop and test results-based performance measures
for a single departmenal function carried out across at least
four bureaus.
The Performance Measures set forth herein are intended only to
improve the internal management of the Executive Branch and are not
intended to and do not create any right, benefit, trust or
responsibility, substantive or procedural, enforceable at law or
equity by a party against the United States, its agencies, its
officers, or any person.