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Office of the Press Secretary

For Immediate Release March 2, 1994


Partnership for Peace

The Partnership for Peace (PFP) was launched by the January 10-11 NATO Summit as the result of President Clinton's initiative. It provides a framework for enhanced political and military cooperation to prepare for and undertake multilateral crisis management activities such as peacekeeping. Summit leaders approved a Framework Document and issued an invitation to the members of the North Atlantic Cooperation Council (NACC) and other CSCE member states able and willing to contribute to join the Partnership.

How It Works

States that join PFP can assign personnel on a full- time basis to NATO Headquarters and to a Coordination Cell at Mons, Belgium (the home of SHAPE). They may participate in PFP exercises and in relevant discussions with Allies at NATO. A Steering Committee has been established to manage day-to-day PFP activities.

Each partner will inform NATO of the resources it will contribute to PFP activities and the steps it will take toward meeting PFP's political goals, including democratic control of the military and publication of defense budgets. The NATO Allies will consult with any state actively participating in PFP in the event of a direct threat to the security of that state. These consultations would not involve extension to partners of NATO's security guarantee under Article V of the North Atlantic Treaty.

Who Has Joined

On January 24 the Partnership Framework Document was formally opened for signature at NATO Headquarters in Brussels. As of February 28, 1994, the following states have joined the Partnership: Romania, Lithuania, Poland, Estonia, Hungary,Ukraine, Slovakia, Bulgaria, Latvia, and Albania. All of the former Warsaw Pact countries of Central and Eastern Europe have announced their intention to participate, as have Russia and most other states of the former Soviet Union. Some of the traditionally neutral nations and some states of the former Yugoslavia have also expressed interest.

NATO Expansion

The Allies have said they expect and would welcome NATO expansion on the basis of an evolutionary process that promotes stability throughout Europe and maintains the political cohesion and operational effectiveness of the Alliance. The Partnership for Peace is an important step in that process. Participation in PFP will not guarantee admission to NATO, but it will allow interested states to build a practical working relationship with NATO, to learn NATO's standard operating procedures and habits of cooperation, and to demonstrate the degree to which they are willing and able to make -- and make good on -- the solemn commitments that NATO membership requires.

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