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Office of the Press Secretary

For Immediate Release January 13, 1994

President Clinton today announced the appointment of Loni Hancock, Janet L. Paschal, Stan Williams, Judy W. Harwood, and Stephanie J. Jones to serve as Regional and Deputy Regional Representatives for the U.S. Department of Education in San Francisco, Boston, Atlanta, Chicago, and Kansas City.

"I am pleased to name these hardworking individuals to serve as Regional and Deputy Regional Representatives for the Department of Education," said the President. "Each has demonstrated their commitment to improving education and will serve our country's schools and students well."

Brief biographical sketches of the appointees follow:

     Loni Hancock
     Secretary's Regional Representative
     Region IX
     Currently the mayor of Berkeley, Calif., Ms. Hancock will serve as
     Regional Representative in San Francisco.  Since becoming mayor in
     1986, she has developed school-linked services, including a high
     school health clinic and the "Real Alternatives Project," a model
     case management program serving high risk youth in grades 4-12.
     She also helped launch a school-to-work program with Miles Inc.,
     Berkeley's largest employer.  It resulted in the creation of a
     "biotech academy" at the city's high school.  The program helps
     prepare non-college-bound students for highly skilled, well-paying
     jobs in the biotech industry.  She also developed a "Community
     Campaign Against Drug Abuse," emphasizing community policing,
     substance abuse treatment, and youth programs to prevent violence
     and create opportunity.

     Janet L. Paschal
     Secretary's Deputy Regional Representative
     Region I

     A high school teacher in the Winnisquam School System in Tilton,
     N.H., Ms.  Paschal will serve as Deputy Regional Representative in
     Boston.  In addition to teaching Health Education and Home
     Economics in grades 9-12, she has also taught at the junior high
     and college levels.   NEA-NH Educator magazine recently published a
     feature story about her with the headline, "Winnisquam Teacher
     Inspires Youth to Achieve."  Ms. Paschal has a B.S. in Home
     Economics from Henderson State College.

     Stan Williams
     Secretary's Regional Representative
     Region IV

     A former IBM community relations manager and native of Greenville,
     S.C., Mr.  Williams will serve as Regional Representative in
     Atlanta.  At IBM, he held various positions in administration,
     personnel and external affairs.  He has also held community
     leadership roles in South Carolina and Georgia.  His B.S. in
     Business Commerce is from Knoxville College.

     Judy W. Harwood
     Secretary's Deputy Regional Representative
     Region IV

     Ms. Harwood served as an education specialist, gathering
     information from state and federal education sources for
     constituency use in the office of then- Senator Gore.  She will be
     Deputy Regional Representative in Atlanta. Ms. Harwood, who also
     ran Vice President Gore's former Senate Office Manager in
     Chattanooga, Tenn., has a Masters in Education from the University
     of Tennessee and a B.S. in Sociology from the Tennessee
     Technological University.

     Stephanie J. Jones
     Secretary's Regional Representative
     Region V

     Assistant Professor of Law at Northern Kentucky University in
     Highland Heights, Ky., Ms. Jones will be the Regional
     Representative in Chicago.  She has also worked in private
     practice, as well as serving as an administrative assistant to
     the vice mayor of Cincinnati in 1984 and a newspaper reporter
     (1982-1983) for the Cincinnati Post.   She earned her J.D. from
     the University of Cincinnati and a B.A in English Literature and
     Afro-American Studies from Smith College.

     Sandra V. Walker
     Secretary's Regional Representative
     Region VIII

     Associate Dean of Arts and Sciences at the University of Missouri
     in Kansas City, Ms. Walker will serve as Regional Representative
     in Kansas City.  She is a native of Little Rock, Ark., with a
     Ph.D. in Sociology from Washington University in St. Louis.  She
     has taught at Washington University, St. Louis Community College
     at Forest Park, Southern Illinois University, Park College and
     the University of Missouri- Kansas City.   # # #