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Warmest greetings to all who are celebrating Christmas in this season of hope.

Each year at this time, we gather together with our loved ones. We teach our children to believe that, with faith and hard work, their dreams can come true. We reach out to each other in caring and fellowship. We look to the future with hope and always with the most earnest of mankind's prayers--the prayer for peace. Thankfully, at this Christmastime, we can joyously celebrate the results of our prayers.

Around the world, people are embracing the promise of the post-Cold War era, throwing off the shackles of tyranny and committing themselves to the ideals of democracy. Old enemies who met for centuries on the battlefield are now meeting on common ground to discuss peace. In our own country, many citizens are rededicating themselves to improving their communities and to ending the crime and violence that still threaten us. This has indeed been a year worthy of the Prince of Peace.

I have always believed that the Christmas spirit of giving and caring joins children and parents across the country and around the world. This year, let us listen to the dreams of our children and gain strength from their idealism. On this holiday, let us reach out to the people around us and work for a world at peace.

Hillary joins me in extending best wishes to all for a very merry Christmas.