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Office of the Press Secretary

For Immediate Release December 22, 1993


President Clinton and Chief-of-Staff Thomas F. "Mack" McLarty today announced today the appointment of Harold Ickes to be Assistant to the President and Deputy Chief of Staff, reporting to McLarty. In that capacity, Ickes will have major responsibility for efforts to enact the Health Security Act next year.

The President made the following statement:

"I am pleased that my good friend Harold Ickes will be joining our team. Harold combines a savvy political sense, honed by years of experience in national politics, with a deep commitment to improving the lives of average citizens. I admire his insight and his sharp wit. He will make a valuable contribution to our effort to serve the American people."

Chief of Staff McLarty made the following statement:

"As the first year of the Clinton Administration comes to a close, I believe we can take considerable pride in the thoughtful but fundamental policy changes we have launched and the tone we have set. We have truly made a difference, and made government connect in a real and meaningful way to people's lives.

"In recent weeks, we have assessed our performance with an eye toward building on our successes. This new staff structure will retain our creative drive and effectiveness while improving the accountability, order and discipline necessary to fulfil the President's policy and political agenda for the next year. This process began with the appointment of Phil Lader as Deputy Chief of Staff, with responsibility for managing operations and coordinating policy development.

"I am delighted that Harold Ickes will join the administration as my second Deputy Chief of Staff. Harold will oversee the public and political outreach of the administration, with an emphasis on health care, the centerpiece of White House efforts in 1994. Harold will work closely with Ira Magaziner, who will continue in his role as the President's senior advisor for health care policy development. In addition, Senior Adviser to the President George Stephanopoulos will take on an additional responsibility and play a major role in the legislative strategy on health care, working closely with Pat Griffin, our new Assistant to the President for Legislative Affairs.

"With our senior staff now in place, we are prepared to move the President's agenda forward in 1994."

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