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Office of the Press Secretary

For Immediate Release December 20, 1993


Today the President will sign the National Child Protection Act of 1993, which seeks to give parents the assurance that their children are not being cared for by criminals.

To accomplish this, the bill:

The bill also seeks to ensure that the rights of job applicants are protected. It establishes that reports may only be released on applicants who provide written permission for a background check to be made, and allows for background checks to be appealed.

Among those joining the President at the signing ceremony today will be actress/producer Oprah Winfrey, a survivor of child abuse who has been a vocal proponent of the legislation, which is informally known as "the Oprah Bill."

Also at the Roosevelt Room ceremony will be Andrew Vachss, the originator of the idea of a national background check, the bill's Congressional sponsors -- Sen. Joseph Biden, Rep. Patricia Schroeder, and Rep. Don Edwards -- and former Illinois Governor James R. Thompson, who has worked with Ms. Winfrey on the legislation.

Among the organizations represented at the ceremony will be the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children, the Boys & Girls Clubs of America, Girl Scouts USA, the National Committee for Prevention of Child Abuse, Children's Defense Fund, Child Welfare League of America, Big Brothers/Big Sisters of America, and the National Collaboration for Youth.

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