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The White House


Wednesday, October 13, 1993

President Places NAFTA in Larger Vision in Speech at UNC

"At a time when we know it's a matter of fact that every rich country in the world gains many new jobs through expanding trade, I see people saying, 'Well even though my industry will get more jobs, we shouldn't have a new trade agreement with Canada and Mexico which could one day engulf all of Latin America,'" the President said. "And when I listen to the arguments, I hear instead the grievances of the 1980's. The grievances of times when workers were fired without thought, when investments were not made, when people were abused. Instead of a reasoning argument about what will build America tomorrow, I hear a longing for yesterday.

"But I tell you my friends," the President concluded, "as certainly as it was true 200 years ago today, yesterday is yesterday. If we try to recapture it, we will only lose tomorrow."

President Praises Eminent Americans Joining Together to Support NAFTA

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