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The White House

Office of the Press Secretary

For Immediate Release October 6, 1993

Statement by the President

As a sports fan who has had the great pleasure of watching Michael Jordan play his incandescent brand of basketball since the early 1980s, I was saddened to hear his announcement today that he was retiring from the game. But, at the same time, I think we can all understand his wish to take his leave and devote himself to more private concerns.

We will miss him -- here and all around America, in every small-town backyard and paved city lot where kids play one-on-one and dream of being like Mike.

His gift to us all has been in giving everything he had game after game, year in and year out. It has been our privilege for the last decade to see him gracing the hardwood, lighting up our tv screens and brightening the lives of the young at heart all around the world.

I want to wish Michael and his family the very best. I know that the past several months have been difficult ones and I hope that he can enjoy the peace of mind that he richly deserves.
