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                         THE WHITE HOUSE
                   Office of the Vice President

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE              Contact: Marla Romash
FRIDAY, July 2, 1993                        202-456-7034

VICE PRESIDENT GORE NAMES JACK QUINN CHIEF OF STAFF Long-time Advisor Moves from Counsel Job to Chief of Staff

WASHINGTON -- Vice President Al Gore today named Jack Quinn his chief of staff, and praised Quinn, one of his long-time advisors, as "an experienced, smart, and dedicated leader." Quinn had served as Counsel to the Vice President and Deputy Chief of Staff.

"Jack has been an invaluable part of my staff and will be able to play an even more effective role now," said the Vice President. "He is a good friend, whose advice and counsel I value greatly."

Quinn, 43, had been serving as Acting Chief of Staff since Roy Neel, Gore's long-time Chief of Staff, was named Deputy Chief of Staff to the President.

During the 1992 campaign, Quinn served as an advisor to the Vice President and coordinated the Vice President's debate preparation. In the Vice President's 1988 campaign, Quinn served as General Counsel. Before joining the Vice President's staff, he was a partner at the Washington, D.C. law firm of Arnold and Porter and was an adjunct professor at Georgetown Law School. Quinn also served the Democratic National Committee in a number of appointive positions.

Born and raised in New York, Quinn earned a B.A. from Georgetown University in 1971 and a JD from Georgetown in 1975. He was an editor of the Georgetown Law Journal and, while attending law school at night, served as a professional staff member on the U.S. Senate Select Committee on Nutrition and Human Needs (1969-1973) and as a Legislative Assistant to Sen. Floyd K. Haskell of Colorado (1973-1975). From 1975 to 1976, at the age of 26, Quinn was the Campaign Director of the Mo Udall for President Campaign. He joined Arnold and Porter after the Udall campaign.

Quinn is married to Diane O'Brien Quinn and has four children, Jonathan, Megan, Caitlin, and Brendan. The Quinn's live in Chevy Chase, Maryland.
