Office of the Press Secretary
Table 2
Funding for FCCSET Initiatives, FY 1994 (Budget Authority in millions of dollars)
Agency Manufacturing HPCC* Global Change Materials Biotech Education
Total $1,385 $1,000 $1,476 $2,061 $4,298 $2,334 DOD 596 385 7 422 94 539 DOI 64 34 22 6 97 USDA 50 48 46 191 24 DOC 141 14 70 57 14 6 HHS 47 2 93 3,369 464 DOT 13 DOE 367 124 98 946 245 128 ED 2 356 DVA 72 EPA 1 12 27 4 20 10 NASA 36 111 1,013 131 40 84 NSF 130 305 170 328 216 622 AID** 31 SI** 7 10
Technology and Applications (IITA). ** Is not a member of full FCCSET (AID = Agency for International Development; SI = Smithsonian Institution).
Totals may not add up due to rounding.