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Office of the Press Secretary

For Immediate Release March 8, 1993

                          HUD, AND U.N.

(Washington, DC) The President continued the process of filling the subcabinet today, expressing his intent to nominate eight senior officials at the Departments of Agriculture, Commerce, and Housing and Urban Development, and at the U.S. Mission to the United Nations. Named today were:

Michael Stegman, Assistant Secretary for Policy Development and

Research, Department of Housing and Urban Development Everett Ehrlich, Under Secretary for Economic Affairs, Department

of Commerce
Eugene Moos, Under Secretary for International Affairs and

Commodity Programs, Department of Agriculture Richard Rominger, Deputy Secretary of Agriculture Wardell Townsend, Jr., Assistant Secretary for Administration,

Department of Agriculture
Francis Vacca, Assistant Secretary for Congressional Relations,

Department of Agriculture
Victor Marrero, U.S. Representative to the Economic and Security

Council, United Nations
Karl F. (Rick) Indefurth, U.S. Alternative for Special Political

Affairs, United Nations

"The people I am asking to serve in my Administration today combine academic achievement with real world experience," said the President. "I am particularly pleased to be naming two family farmers to help run the Department of Agriculture."

Biographical sketches of the nominees are attached.


                          March 8, 1993

MICHAEL STEGMAN is the Cary C. Boshamer Professor and Chairman of the Department of of City and Regional Planning at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. He has been associated with UNC since 1973. He also has extensive practical experience in the housing field. He was Executive Director of the Twentieth Century Fund Task Force on Affordable Housing in 1990-91, and is a Consultant and Expert Witness to the Legal Aid Society of New York and President of the Triangle Housing Partnership. He was Deputy Assistant Secretary for Research at HUD from 1979-81, during which time he chaired the President's Rural Housing Task Force and was a member of the White House Inter-Agency Working Group on the Administration's Small Communities and Rural Development Policy. He holds a B.A. from Brooklyn College of the City University of New York, and Masters and Doctoral degrees in city planning from the University of Pennsylvania.

EVERTT EHRLICH, an expert in economic forecasting and policy planning, is the Vice President for Economic and Financial Planning for the UNISYS Corporation. He has previously held UNISYS Vice President posts responsible for Strategy Development and Economic Analysis. From 1977 to 1988, he served on the staff of the Congressional Budget Office's Natural Resources and Commerce Division as Principal Analyst, Deputy Assistant Director, and then Assistant Director. He holds degrees in economics from the State University of New York at Stony Brook (B.A.) and the University of Michigan (Ph.D), and is the coauthor of two books, New Directions in Economic Policy (1984) and Energy Policy Analysis and Congressional Action (1982).

GENE MOOS, a former Congressional staffer with 26 years of experience running a family farm, is the President of Gene Moos & Associates, a Washington, DC lobbying firm. He was formerly a Special Assistant to then-House Majority Leader Thomas S. Foley, Staff Director of the Wheat, Soybeans and Feed Grains Subcommittee of the House Agriculture Committee, and Senior Staff Professional of the House Agriculture Committee. From 1949-1975, he operated his family's wheat farm in Washington. He is a graduate of Washington State University.

RICHARD ROMINGER is a family farmer who raises alfalfa, barley, beans, corn and other crops in California. He has previously served in government as Director of the California Department of Food and Agriculture from 1977 to 1982. During that time, he served terms as President of the Western Association of State Departments of Agriculture and the Western U.S. Agricultural Trade Association. He was also on the Board of Directors of the National Association of State Departments of Agriculture, and is active in a number of professional agricultural associations. He holds a Bachelor of Science degree from the University of California at Davis.

March 8, 1993
page two

WARDELL TOWNSEND has served Secretary Espy as Administrative Assistant and Chief of Staff in his House of Representatives office since 1989. He was previously Espy's Legislative Director, and served on the staffs of Representatives Jamie Clarke and Doug Applegate. He has also served as the Business Development Manager of the Cherokee Minority Business Development Center and the Community Development Director of the Henderson County, NC Department of Community Development. He holds a B.S. from Western Carolina University and a M.S.W. from the West Virginia University School of Social Work.

FRANICS VACCA is the President of Vacca and Associates, a private consulting firm in Washington, DC that specializes in agricultural issues. From 1976 to 1990, he was the Vice President for Government Relations for Mid-America Dairymen, Inc. He has also served as Administrative Assistant to Congressman Bob Traxler and California Assembly Minority Leader Jesse Unruh. He is a graduate of Boston College.

VICTOR MARRERO, the Under Secretary of HUD during the Carter Administration and former New York State Commissioner of Housing and Community Renewal, is a partner in the New York City law firm of Brown & Wood. He has also served as Vice Chairman of the New York State Housing Finance Agency, Chairman of the New York City Planning Commission, and as First Assistant Counsel to New York Governor Hugh Carey and New York City Comptroller Harrison Goldin. He has served on numerous State and City Boards and Commissions, and on the Boards of the New York Telephone Company and the Consolidated Edison Company. A native of Puerto Rico and former Fullbright Scholar, Marrero is a graduate of New York University.

RICK INDEFURTH is a Project Director at the Center for National Policy, a Senior Consultant to the Eurasia Foundation, and a working group member at the Georgetown University Institute for the Study of Diplomacy. He was formerly a Professional Staff Member of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, Special Assistant to National Security Advisor Zbigniew Brzezinski, and Deputy Staff Director of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. He also worked as a correspondent for ABC News, where he won an Emmy Award for Outstanding Background Analysis of a Single Current Story. A former Fullbright Scholar, Indefurth holds degrees from the University of North Carolina, Strathclvde University in Scotland, and Princeton University.
